Friday, 12 October 2007

The Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

A state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony, e.g., a state free from civil disturbance.
A state free of oppressive and unpleasant thoughts and emotions.
That will give me some peace of mind.
Harmony in personal relations.
free of war.

Ever since Adam and Eve chose to eat the forbidden fruit (There's that fruit again) We have esentially been at war with God. Every single human is born with the natural urge to turn away from God and follow his own selfish way. When we repent (A word which means to turn back to God) and ask for forgivness for not following God and thinking that we can do better, God is able to forgive those us and punish those sins at the same time. You see all sin deserves death and someone must die for our sins we must either die ourselves or allow Jesus to do it for us. The astounding thing is that Jesus the one perfect human to ever live was willing to die for all of us decidedly imperfect humans

To discover why there is such a lack of peace in the world we must go back in time to the garden of Eden. Within the garden Adam and Eve the first humans were fufilling the purpose they had been designed for, to enjoy a personal relationship with their creator. God lived in the garden with them, the Bible account talks of him walking in the garden. In short we as the human race were as close to heaven as we ever have been. Sadly future generations could not be born into this state of harmony with their creator because Adam and Eve chose to jeopradise this perfect relationship all because they lusted after the same knowledge that God had. When God gave them Garden to look after he gave them just one rule and as is the case with all his later rules it was for their own benefit, the rule was: They could eat of all the trees in the garden except one; the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil but they disobeyed this rule and in that act of turning away from God, sin was introduced into the World.

Though it must have broken his heart God was forced to throw us out of the garden. We had rejected him and rejecting him meant rejecting all that was good and choosing badness. A being so pure couldn't have a relationship with beings who are impure. God is water and we are oil no matter how hard you stir they will always remain seperate. What is needed then is for us to be made the same as God. If we are oil too then we can mix succesfully. Thankfully God didn't just leave this task to us because we'd never be able to manage it. There are many people in the world who think we can become like God without his help, even sadder is some of them are Christians. They think that doing good works alone, without God, will do the work of fixing the broken relationship between us and our creator Paul is very clear on this point in a number of passages.

"What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; but Israel, who pursued a law of righteousness, has not attained it. Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the "stumbling stone." As it is written:

"See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble

and a rock that makes them fall,

and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." Romans 9:30-33

I'm glad I looked up the definition of righteousness a while back because it's a word you will encounter a lot in the Bible. Here it is again in Isaiah:

"All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags" Isaiah 64:6a

Righteousness in being right with God which is what I have been concerned with in this blog. When we are right with God we are at peace with him and from the the two passages I have pulled out and from the rest of the Bible we can see that we cannot achieve our own righteousness. The funny thing is even our very best attempt at being good to God is like a dirty rag this is not because God is being overly critical of us but because apart from him everything even our good works are sinful.

The only way we can achieve this righteousness is through God, through believing that his promise to forgive us and to make us pure like him is true. If we take that step of faith and ask God for this then he will do it. Then God will send the Spirit to live in you and he will set to work straight away guiding you in the paths of peace.

I asked for the Holy Spirit only a few years ago, I am one of those Chrisitans who does not know exactly when they became a Christian for me it has been a slow progression towards faith over a number of years because of this I don't know when I first asked for the Holy Spirit but I know I have and I am convinced of the fact that he lives within me now. No matter what my changing feelings may say (When I'm in a bad mood its very hard to believe that I'm saved and that my place is assured in heaven) I can be sure that the Spirit lives within me because I experience his prescence daily.

When I was a new Chrisitan I didn't realise that the feelings of peace I had at Church came from fact that so many people who had the Spirit within them had come together into one place. Now I do see this I realise that this is because the Spirit within us draws all of us closer together. You should be able to recognise a Church full of Christians who have the Spirit, you'll see a group of people interacting with one another with a unity that you won't see anywhere else on earth.

In my Church which is Anglican we have a part of the service dedicated to sustaining this unity. It is called the Peace. The idea behind it is that if you are bearing a grudge against anyone within the Church you have to go and tell them what they have done to you or what you have done to them, then the Bible commands us to forgive the other person if we can't then we have no right to be forgiven ourselves. Again these would be mere words if the God didn't act through them, as I heard in Heroes last night:

"CLAIRE: You don't just get to say you're sorry and make everything go away."

but thankfully with God we can say sorry to one another and God makes it go away! He gets rid of the sin, he heals the hurt, he repairs the trust, he builds the friendship and makes it stronger than before. This is if we allow him to do his work, if we choose to hold our grudge then we will ruin the relationship with our friend, it will be our fault not his. That's the peace! at least that is what it is meant to be like but in our Church it is mainly a way to greet each other after a week apart and while I find it quite moving the level of love that is displayed at this time it isn't really what the peace is meant to be about but to be fair I don't use that time correctly however outside of that time I have found that being honest with people is the best way forward especially if something is annoying you about the other person because I know that people in the Church don't want to annoy me because I know that I don't want to annoy them. It is then helpful to inform one another when anything we say or do is not having the effect we want it to.

I believe that there is very little disunity in my Church, if there is some present then it is within people's hearts or possibly talked about behind closed doors. My experience and especially about those people I know personally in my Church is that we are all bound together in a way that I have come to recognise is God given. I so enjoy spending time with them and basking in that atmosphere of love and acceptance and I know that this peace isn't isolated to our Church because God is way bigger than St Mark's. I have seen it in the lives of so many other groups of Christians. God helps us to overcome our differences. I've even heard and seen that God is overcoming the differences of denomination that have seperated us for so long and I pray that he would continue to do so. So that the world would see that the body of Christ (That is the Church) is far from being divided but is living, breathing and functioning as a whole. If only all people would join us then they would experience the same sense of fellowship that we experience and they would know what it is to be at peace with God and with man.

Here are some other verses on the topic:

"Everyone has turned away,

they have together become corrupt;

there is no one who does good,

not even one." Psalm 53:3

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

"All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation." 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

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